Professional Corporations
The business and estate advisory lawyers at RBS can assist professionals who are permitted, by their governing bodies, to provide professional services through a corporation. The firm acts for doctors, dentists, veterinarians, accountants, lawyers, architects, engineers, and realtors, to name a few.
Properly created, the professional corporation is an effective corporate structure. The Professional Corporations Group will liaise with the applicable governing body and legislation to ensure that the professional corporation is compliant. The firm will navigate through the governing bodies’ rules, including those related to acceptable corporate names, who can own the shares and corporate operation. The professional corporation provides a unique tax planning opportunity, as it permits income splitting within the professional’s family, tax deferrals and minimization, wealth accumulation, and strategic succession planning. The Professional Corporations Group can advise on these strategies, as well as how the professional corporation can and cannot limit exposure to liability.
Once the professional corporation is created and operating, RBS has the expertise to assist the business with its ongoing legal needs. Whether it is leasing, employment agreements, the sale of the business, professional claims, or dispute resolution, the Professional Corporations Group has the breadth of practice and experience to be of service.