
It’s Not Just Hockey Games Where the Fists Fly

Richards Buell Sutton Insurance Law Newsletter
By:  Nicole Mangan
Sports invoke the passion of their players,...

Yahoos of the World Unite – Are Employees Entitled To Work From Home?

Richards Buell Sutton Employment Law Newsletter

Recently, Yahoo Inc. made the controversial decision to end telecommuting and to insist that...

“Yahoos of the World Unite” article picked up for republishing

An RBS Associate recently wrote an article for the for the firm’s Employment Law Newsletter that has been picked...

BCCA Upholds Subrogation Bar in Claim Against Warehouse

Richards Buell Sutton Insurance Law Newsletter
By RBS Lawyers

In the recent case of Kruger Products Limited...

Commercial Leases: The Return to the GST/PST System in British Columbia

January 18, 2013
Aneez Devji and Scott MacDonald
Richards Buell Sutton Commercial Real Estate Newsletter

After a provincial referendum in 2011 that...

Employee’s Right to Privacy Extends to Information Stored on Employer’s Computer

January 16, 2013
Scott MacDonald
Richards Buell Sutton Employment Law Newsletter

The Supreme Court of Canada has concluded that employees may reasonably...

“Post-Judgment Remedies – Real Property” in British Columbia Creditors’ Remedies : an Annotated Guide (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of BC) Chapter, 2013

Intellectual Property Law, Trade-Marks Chapter, CLE Annual Review, [2013]

By RBS Lawyers
Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, Annual Review of Law & Practice

Scott Lamb is a litigator...

Please Release Me

By: David W. Hay
Originally published in Momentum Magazine

One of the most common features of organized cycling events is the...

Post-Judgement Remedies – Real Property

To download this publication, please click on the below:


“Plain Language” Policy Wording Frustrates Coverage Denial

Richards Buell Sutton Insurance Law Newsletter
By RBS Lawyers
While the modern day movement to “plain language”...

Statutory Holidays in BC

December 4, 2012
Georg D. Reuter
Richards Buell Sutton Employment Law Newsletter

As of February 2013, British Columbia employees will enjoy an...