
What is AI and Generative AI?

Author: RBS' Technology and Innovation Group

In Part 1 of RBS’s AI & The Law: Legal Insights for the...

Upcoming Deadline: Fighting Against Forced Labour & Child Labour in Supply Chains Act

By: Varun Dhaul

The Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains (the “Act”) came into force...

Another Resounding Victory for the Educational Sector Against Access Copyright

By: Douglas Cottier and Sze-Mei Yeung.

In another recent positive decision for the educational sector,

Public Interest – Rare Cases Where Patent Injunctions Declined

By: Jonathan Woolley

In patent litigation, when a defendant is found to have infringed a plaintiff’s patent, the court...

A Cautionary Tale for Licensors – The Importance of Control Over Trademark Use by Licensees to Avoid Invalidating Trademark Registration Rights

By: Trisha Doré

Although neither keeping a tidy trademark license regime nor chasing infringers sound appealing, the fruits of...

Bare Trusts to File Tax Returns – Government Announces Bare Trusts are Exempt from Filing Tax Return for 2023

By: Jeevan V. Ahuja

Note: This article was updated on April 2, 2024, following the federal government’s media release...

Foreign Buyer’s Prohibition for Residential Real Estate: Canadian Government Announces a Further Two-Year Extension

By: Jeevan V. Ahuja

The federal government’s Prohibition on the Purchase of Residential Property by Non-Canadians Act (the “Act”),...

Estate Planning for Blended Families

By: Alexander M. Lee

It is becoming increasingly common for modern families to be comprised of children from previous...

Recent Amendments to the British Columbia Societies Act


The British Columbia government introduced changes to the Societies Act (the “Act”) which were intended to allow...

Considerations for Charitable Giving Under Alter Ego Trusts and Joint Partner Trusts

By: Navneet Aujla

Alter Ego Trusts (AET) and Joint Partner Trusts (JPT) are estate planning tools (also known as...

Duty to Defend: Once Again, Pleadings are Paramount

By: Alexander Bogdan

In the recent case of Surrey (City) v. Co-Operators General Insurance Company, 2023 BCSC 955,...

Bill 17 – Modernizing the Family Law Act


Amendments to the Family Law Act (S.B.C. 2011, c.25) (the “FLA”) came into effect on...