RBS donates 719 lbs of clothing to BACI!
Posted on February 2, 2016
In January, the lawyers and staff at Richards Buell Sutton ran a Clothing Drive and donated 719lbs of clothing to the Burnaby Association for Community Inclusion (BACI). The donation was part of the BACI Donation Bin initiative, where clothes collected in bins are bought by Value Village, with proceeds going to BACI’s programs and services.
A kind quote on our Clothing Drive from BACI’s Executive Director, Tanya Sather:
“BACI is extremely grateful for the 719 lbs of clothing which were donated by the wonderful people at RBS. This resulted in our organization receiving $273 from Value Village! Those funds will go to a new outdoor and fully accessible play structure for children up to 3 years old at one of our 4 inclusive child care centres. You truly are making a difference in the lives of the children and families we serve.”
The firm was delighted to be a part of this initiative and look forward to supporting the charity in the next clothing drive soon.