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Access Pro Bono Society turns one year old! RBS is proud to celebrate with them.

Richards Buell Sutton LLP is a proud supporter of the Access Pro Bono Society of BC (“APB”), a non-profit organization dedicated to developing and facilitating opportunities for lawyers to provide pro bono legal services to individuals and non-profit organizations of limited means throughout British Columbia.  In fact, a former partner of the firm, Bruce Fraser, Q.C. currently sits on the Board of Directors.

Many of our lawyers volunteer their services to one or more of APB’s pro bono programs.  These programs include; the pro bono summary legal advice clinics, the Roster (representation) programs and the Civil Chambers Duty Counsel Project.

Last year, Richards Buell Sutton LLP was also a sponsor of Pro Bono Going Public 2010, an annual fundraising event geared towards promoting the widespread availability of pro bono legal advice clinics across the province, acknowledging the benevolence of BC’s pro bono lawyers and raising awareness of the current access to justice crisis in BC. To learn more about Access Pro Bono and on how you can help, please visit their website at

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