News, Events and PublicationsBy Tim H.R. Brown

RBS Honours Prominent BC Business Leaders

Our Business and Wealth Preservation Groups play a vital role in ensuring the success of many BC...

Honouring Recipients of the Courage to Come Back Awards

The Courage to Come Back Awards is an inspiring event that contributes to the ongoing efforts of

Do You Have a Will? BC’s “Make a Will Week” Campaign – Oct. 1 – 7, 2023

This week marks BC's “Make a Will Week” campaign to encourage the public to write their Will, or bring...

Estate & Wealth Advisory Group Members Host Seminar on Family Shareholders’ Agreements

Tim Brown, Max Shilleto and Eryn MacKenzie presented a client seminar on the complexities of planning for the family business.


Tim Brown Elected to the Vancouver Club Board of Directors

Leader of our Wealth Preservation and Estate & Wealth Advisory practices, Tim Brown was elected as...

How To Estate Plan the Family Cottage

By: Tim H.R. Brown

When dealing with estate planning, many families spend a lot of time dealing with emotional...

Tim Brown Provides Essential Estate Planning Advice on Vancouver Podcast

With over 25 years’ experience in estate and wealth advisory law, Partner Tim Brown was invited to...

Tim Brown and Christine Lowe co-host presentation on Family Shareholders’ Agreements at PBLI Conference

On November 20th, Tim Brown and Christine Lowe will speak at the PBLI Tax and Succession Planning for the...

Prepare for the Unexpected and Make a Will

Make a Will Week takes place from April 9th to 15th. This campaign encourages the public to write their...

Buzz About Further Federal Budget 2016 Fallout – Preparing for July 1, 2017

By: Tim Brown and RBS Lawyers

Background. The most recent federal budget concluded with the promise (or threat) that...

Significant Changes to the Principal Residence Exemption – What You Need to Know Before December 31, 2016

On October 3, 2016, the Minister of Finance tabled a Notice of Ways and Means Motion to amend
the principal...

Multiple Will Planning For Private Company Shares

June 11, 2014
By RBS Lawyers
Richards Buell Sutton Wealth Preservation Newsletter

Recent changes in British Columbia under the Wills, Estates and...