Celebrating Female Leaders on International Women’s Day
Posted on March 6, 2018
As International Women’s Day approaches, Sharon White, Q.C., Co-Chair of our Women’s Roundtable reflects on two of the most inspirational women in her life:
“I am so fortunate to have had wonderful female role models in my own family. Both of my grandmothers immigrated to Canada and demonstrated by example the value of hard work and the unwavering belief that women can do anything they set their mind to. My own mother continues to impress and inspire me with her gentleness, dignity and many long lasting friendships. Above all, I learnt the importance of family, and of receiving and giving encouragement and support.
It has also been a great inspiration and joy to me to celebrate the success and accomplishments of my close friends. Many come to mind, and having worked so closely with her, I have to say how much I admire and respect my very dear friend Christy Clark, who served as the 35th Premier of British Columbia from 2011 to 2017. As the first woman elected Premier of our Province, and the first woman to be re-elected Premier in all of Canada, Christy has not only inspired me and my generation but more importantly, those young women that will follow us.
Christy’s passion to improve the lives of others, the grace with which she handles difficult situations, and her love of life, family and friends are all qualities I aspire to.”