Authored By Michelle Quinn & Colleagues
The MeToo movement and the widespread media coverage reporting on incidents of allegations of sexual harassment and misconduct has placed the problem and extent of sexual harassment firmly in the spotlight. Given the heightened awareness regarding the prevalence of this issue, I decided to write an informative post about what constitutes sexual harassment, and how Canadian law prohibits sexual harassment in the workplace.
2018 has seen a series of decisions from the courts in BC which illustrate that short-term employees can be awarded longer periods of notice than their counterparts with lengthier terms of service. Generally speaking, long service imports a relatively long notice period, but short service does not require that the notice period be proportionately shorter. In this post, we take a closer look at those decisions.
Employers can discipline and, in some cases, dismiss employees for off-duty conduct. The question is how bad does the conduct have to be? In the recent BC Supreme Court decision of Klonteig v. West Kelowna (District), 2018 BCSC 124, the judge found that the District (the employer) should not have terminated Mr. Klonteig for cause after he was given a 90 day administrative driving prohibition while off duty.
The Trudeau government made good on its promise to extend parental leave from 12 to 18 months. Initially, this promise only applied to workers in federally regulated workplaces. However, on April 6, 2018, the BC Government introduced Bill 6, Employment Standards Amendment Act 2018 which will amend the BC Employment Standards Act (the “ESA”). Some of the proposed changes relate to maternity and parental leave. On May 17, 2018, Bill 6 came into force by Royal Assent. My colleague, Nicole Mangan, and I sum up these key legislative changes.
Unfortunately, quite often terminated employees mistakenly believe that because their employer has offered them the minimum amount of severance pay (notice) under the BC Employment Standards Act that their legal entitlement ends there. Typically, that is not the case. In this post, we look at what it means to be wrongfully dismissed and whether a terminated employee is entitled to reasonable notice.
Employee or independent contractor: which one are you? You might even be a dependent contractor. This intermediate category of "dependent contractor" has emerged over the last few years. Unlike an independent contractor, a dependent contractor must be provided with reasonable notice of termination of the contractor relationship. To determine whether a person is an employee or a contractor, the CRA and the Courts look at the substance of the relationship as a whole, which is exactly what the BC Supreme Court did in the case of Glimhagen v. GWR Resources Inc., 2017 BCSC 761
Employers Beware - if you are contemplating retracting an offer of employment from a potential candidate you might want to think again in light of the recent B.C. court decision of Buchanan v. Introjunction Ltd., 2017 BCSC 1002. In this case, the B.C. Supreme Court found that the plaintiff employee was wrongfully dismissed when his employment was terminated shortly after his contract of employment with the defendant employer was executed but before he actually started work. The Court awarded him 6 weeks’ severance pay.